NatureWaterfallsMarvel at the Beauty of Dynjandi Waterfall
Panoramic view of Dynjandi Waterfall
Go Car Rental Iceland travel writer Leah BIlquist
By Leah BIlquistMar 21, 2024 • 5 min read

Marvel at the Beauty of Dynjandi Waterfall

The Westfjords are located in Iceland’s remote lands and the area has so much untouched beauty! This includes the infamous Jewel of the Westfjords, also known as Dynjandi Waterfall, the largest waterfall in this region. We are going to tell you where it is located and how you can visit Dynjandi in Iceland.

Location & Accessibility

Dynjandi Waterfall, located in the Arnarfjörður fjord, is approximately 386 kilometers from the capital city, Reykjavik. The scenic drive takes about 5 hours and will bring you through on Ring Road for half of it until you continue to head north

This majestic waterfall can be accessed by a gravel road, F-roads, generally suitable for all rental cars during the summer months. However, during winters, it is recommended to have a 4x4 vehicle.

Preparation For the Visit

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Dynjandi is during the summer months when the road is most accessible, and the midnight sun provides 24 hours of daylight.

Safety Guidelines

Stay on the marked paths, respect the fragile vegetation, and don't climb on the cliffs around the waterfall. Also, due to the remote location, ensure to inform someone about your travel plans.

What to Bring?

Be sure to pack your hiking boots and a rain jacket when heading to Dynjandi Waterfall. The area can be slippery due to the waterfall mist.

Even on the nicest days, it can still be chilly in the area thanks to the wind.

If you are able to visit Iceland in winter, bundle up! Wear a heavy winter coat and good traction on your shoes. The ice combined with the waterfall mist can make dangerous terrain.

Don’t forget to bring your camera with you, you won’t want to pass up an opportunity to photograph the Jewel of the Westfjords.

Essential gear for a trip to Dynjandi Waterfall

The History Of Dynjandi Waterfall

This historic waterfall has been around since Iceland was formed. The area was created by the country's heavy volcanic activity. The cooling lava helped shape the majestic waterfall.

The first known sighting of the Dynjandi was said to be by an Icelandic bishop named Guðmundur Guðmundsson in the 17th century. He commonly described it in his writings.

Later, it was used for power mills and machinery for the people of the area. It was also a great source of water for the locals of the Westfjords.

In 1981 Dynjandi was deemed a National Monument. This meant there were rules set in place so the land could be cared for. This is how the hiking trail was created. If you are hiking the waterfall, be sure to stay on the trail and not damage any of its surroundings.

Since then, the waterfall has gained popularity and attracts tourists from all over the world.

Dynjandi Waterfall’s Ravishing Features

Dynjandi is one of the largest Iceland waterfalls in the Westfjords, so it is no wonder why there are so many sightseers coming here!

The total height of the Dynjandi waterfall is about 328 feet or 100 meters. The width resembles a bridal veil. This is all thanks to the small width of the top of the waterfall which is 98 feet, that fans out and widens to 196 feet, where it cascades into a pool at the bottom.

What does Dynjandi Mean?

The name "Dynjandi" translates to "Thunderous," which is fitting. You will be able to hear the falls cascading into the pool, creating a loud thunder of its own.

Is the Road to Dynjandi Paved?

Dynjandi Waterfall sits on Road 60, which is between Patreksfjordur and Isafjordur, While most of the road is paved, there is a section in the Westfjords that is not paved.

Gravel Road to Dynjandi waterfall in iceland

In the summer the road is safe to travel, however, we do recommend renting a 4X4 vehicle. This will help you navigate the rough terrain better, thanks to the traction of a 4X4 on rough terrain.

A 4x4 vehicle is essential when traveling to any portion of the Westfjords, due to the area's mountainous terrain.

Exploring Around Dynjandi Waterfall

Trekking around Dynjandi

The area surrounding Dynjandi offers a number of trekking routes. With each step, the hiker is embraced by the ethereal beauty of the Icelandic wilderness.

Photographing Dynjandi

Owing to its immense beauty, Dynjandi is a paradise for photographers. Whether it's the break of dawn or the crimson hues of sunset, every moment here calls for a click.

Wildlife and Flora

Being in an isolated region, Dynjandi also hosts a variety of wildlife and unique plant species. It’s not uncommon to spot the Arctic fox or puffins if you’re lucky.

young puppy of arctic fox captured near dynjandi


Visiting Dynjandi Waterfall in Iceland is truly an experience of a lifetime. It's not just a sight to behold, but a symphony of nature that engages all your senses. Whether you're an adventurer, a nature lover, or a photography enthusiast, Dynjandi has something to offer for everyone. Make sure to plan your visit well, respect the guidelines, and lose yourself in the grandeur that is Dynjandi.

Other waterfalls in Iceland

Located in the mesmerizing landscapes of Iceland, Seljalandsfoss is a breathtaking waterfall that captivates visitors with its majestic beauty. Cascading gracefully from a height of 60 meters, Seljalandsfoss offers a truly enchanting experience, particularly as it's one of the few waterfalls in the world where you can walk behind the cascading water curtain. As you plan your Icelandic adventure, be sure to include Seljalandsfoss on your itinerary for an unforgettable encounter with nature's grandeur. Learn more about this iconic landmark and discover the best ways to experience it firsthand at Go Car Rental's comprehensive guide to Seljalandsfoss: Seljalandsfoss Waterfall.

Frequently Asked Questions

To answer any remaining queries, here are some frequently asked questions about Dynjandi Waterfall in Iceland

How much time should you plan for a visit to Dynjandi?

You should plan around 2-3 hours for a visit to Dynjandi. This includes time to hike up to the main waterfall and enjoy the smaller cascades on the way.

Is Dynjandi accessible during the winter months?

Accessibility during winter depends on weather conditions. It is advisable to check the road conditions before planning your visit.

Is there an entrance fee to visit Dynjandi?

No, there is no entrance fee to visit Dynjandi. It's freely accessible to all.

Is Dynjandi Waterfall worth the long drive from Reykjavik?

Absolutely! The stunning landscapes and the thunderous waterfall make the journey well worth it.

Can I camp near Dynjandi Waterfall?

Yes, there's a camping area near Dynjandi Waterfall which offers basic facilities for overnight stays.

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