GuidesWeatherWhat to Expect: Weather in Iceland in September
Happy portrait of young  hiker enjoying the outdoors activity in September in Iceland
Go Car Rental Iceland travel writer Aron Freyr
By Aron FreyrMay 10, 2024 • 10 min read

What to Expect: Weather in Iceland in September

Are you planning a trip to Iceland in September? This is a popular time to visit the country, as the summer crowds have dispersed and the winter weather has not yet arrived. However, it's important to understand what kind of weather to expect during this time of year so you can pack accordingly and plan your activities. In this article, we'll discuss the weather in Iceland in September and provide some tips for making the most of your trip.

What to Expect: Iceland Weather in September

September marks the beginning of the fall season in Iceland, and the weather can be quite unpredictable. The average temperature during this time is around 45°F (7°C), but it can range from the high 30s to the low 50s (3-10°C). It's important to note that the weather can change quickly, so it's best to be prepared for all types of conditions.

Rain and Wind

September is one of the rainiest months in Iceland, with an average of 20 days of precipitation. This can range from light drizzles to heavy downpours, so it's important to pack waterproof gear and layers to stay dry and warm. Additionally, Iceland is known for its strong winds, which can make the rain feel even colder. Be sure to pack a windproof jacket and consider bringing a hat or hood to protect your head from the wind.

Daylight Hours

Daylight hours in iceland

In September, Iceland experiences about 12 hours of daylight, with the sun rising around 6:30 am and setting around 7:30 pm. This gives you plenty of time to explore and enjoy the country's natural beauty. However, as the month progresses, the days will become shorter, so it's important to plan your activities accordingly.

Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights glowing in the night sky

One of the highlights of visiting Iceland in September is the chance to see the Northern Lights. As the nights become longer, the conditions are perfect for viewing this natural phenomenon. However, it's important to note that the Northern Lights are unpredictable and can only be seen on clear, dark nights. Be sure to check the forecast and plan your activities accordingly if you hope to catch a glimpse of this stunning display.

What to Pack for Iceland in September

When packing for your trip to Iceland in September, it's important to be prepared for all types of weather. Here are some essential items to include in your suitcase:

Waterproof Gear

hiking trekking gear, waterproof jacket, green knit beanie and hike backpack walk through moss covered rough iceland terrain.

As mentioned, September is a rainy month in Iceland, so it's important to pack waterproof gear to stay dry. This includes a waterproof jacket, pants, and shoes. It's also a good idea to bring a waterproof cover for your backpack or camera.


With the unpredictable weather in Iceland, it's important to pack layers so you can adjust your clothing as needed. This can include long-sleeved shirts, sweaters, and a warm jacket. It's also a good idea to bring a hat and gloves for colder days.

Hiking Boots

Hikers getting ready to explore iceland

Iceland is known for its stunning landscapes and outdoor activities, so be sure to pack a sturdy pair of hiking boots. These will keep your feet dry and provide good traction on the often-slippery terrain.


While the weather may not be warm enough for swimming, Iceland is known for its geothermal pools and hot springs. Be sure to pack a swimsuit so you can take a dip and relax in these natural wonders.


Young woman taking photos on her camera in iceland

With its breathtaking landscapes and unique culture, Iceland is a photographer's dream. Be sure to pack a camera to capture all of your adventures and memories.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Trip

Plan for Shorter Days

As mentioned, the days become shorter as September progresses, so it's important to plan your activities accordingly. Consider starting your day earlier to make the most of the daylight hours, and be sure to check the sunset time so you don't get caught in the dark.

Be Flexible with Your Itinerary

The weather in Iceland can change quickly, so it's important to be flexible with your itinerary. If a planned outdoor activity is not possible due to weather conditions, have a backup plan or be open to exploring a different area.

Take Advantage of the Northern Lights

Feet on a frozen lake with northern lights in the sky

As mentioned, September is a great time to see the Northern Lights in Iceland. Be sure to check the forecast and plan your activities accordingly to increase your chances of seeing this natural wonder.

Embrace the Local Culture

Iceland has a unique and rich culture, and September is a great time to experience it. With fewer tourists, you'll have the opportunity to interact with locals and learn more about their way of life. Be sure to try traditional Icelandic food and attend local events or festivals.


Iceland is a beautiful and unique country to visit in September, but it's important to be prepared for the weather and plan your activities accordingly. With the right gear and a flexible itinerary, you can make the most of your trip and experience all that Iceland has to offer. So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

Iceland Weather in September: FAQs

What is the weather like in Iceland in September?

In September, Iceland experiences mild temperatures with an average high of around 10°C (50°F) and an average low of around 5°C (41°F). However, the weather can be quite unpredictable, so it's advisable to bring layers and be prepared for sudden changes.

Does it rain a lot in Iceland in September?

Yes, September is known to be a rainy month in Iceland. Rainfall is relatively common, so it's recommended to bring waterproof clothing and footwear to stay dry during your outdoor activities.

Are the days shorter in Iceland in September?

Yes, September marks the beginning of autumn in Iceland, and the days start to get shorter. However, you can still expect around 12 to 14 hours of daylight, providing ample time to explore the breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders of Iceland.

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Akureyri Church during a nice sunny weather in the summer in IcelandWeather

Akureyri Iceland Weather: What to Expect

Akureyri is the second-largest city in Iceland, known as the "capital of the north." It sits at the foot of the longest fjord in the country, Eyjafjordur. This city gives visitors a peek into the changing weather and seasons of northern Iceland. It's a key spot for travelers, making it vital to know the local climate to enjoy your visit.

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